Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Thanks For Your Effort So !! / Gracias por tu esfuerzo tan !!

Hello  ,
How are you doing today, I do hope that my mail meet you and your
household well and in good health?
I wish to inform you that i have successfully claim and moved my
inheritance fund to Saudi-Arabia through the help of my new
partner from Saudi-Arabia. My Partner is currently busy with the
investment project in Dubai and I also have a successful medical
treatment in a Hospital in Hamburg, German.I am fully ok health
wise and sound now. I still can`t forget all your effort to help
move the fund despite it didn`t work out, I and my partner agreed
to mapped out something for you as compensation for all your
effort you put to help me. I do leave behind the sum of $800.000
for you, do contact Mr Adam Smith so that she will transfer the
money to you immediately.
Below is Mr Adam Smith contact details
Name: Mr Adam Smith
Address: Cotonou-Benin-Rep
Email: contact@getmaworldwide.org
Please contact me immediately you receive the money.
Yours Little
                          Ana Mimi
---------------------- Spanish ---------------------
Hola  ,
?Qu? tal est? hoy? Espero que mi correo lo reciba a usted y a su
familia con buena salud.
Deseo informarle que he reclamado y trasladado con ?xito mi fondo
de herencia a Arabia Saudita con la ayuda de mi nuevo socio de
Arabia Saudita. Mi socio est? actualmente ocupado con el proyecto
de inversi?n en Dubai y tambi?n tengo un tratamiento m?dico
exitoso en un hospital en Hamburgo, Alemania. Estoy completamente
bien en cuanto a salud y sensaciones ahora.
Todav?a no puedo olvidar todo su esfuerzo para ayudar a mover el
fondo a pesar de que no funcion?, mi socio y yo acordamos trazar
algo para usted como compensaci?n por todo el esfuerzo que ha
realizado para ayudarme. Dejo atr?s la suma de $ 800,000 para
usted, comun?quese con el Sr. Adam Smith para que ella le
transfiera el dinero de inmediato.
Abajo est?n los detalles de contacto del Sr. Adam Smith
Nombre: Sr. Adam Smith
Direcci?n: Cotonou-Benin-Rep
Correo electr?nico: contact@getmaworldwide.org
Por favor contactame inmediatamente recibas el dinero.
Tuya peque?a
                          Ana mimi

Wednesday, 3 April 2019


My Dear Friend,
Greetings to you and your family from my sincere heart.
Presently, I'm in the hospital where I am undergoing treatment for Esophageal Cancer. Today my Doctor told me that I will not live up to 30 days. I am widow to late Colonel Andre Derefaka, former deputy defence attachй to Benin consulate in Croatia. My husband was killed by those who were envious of his position in the same office.
Now there is 1.6 Million Dollars my late husband deposited in a bank, here in Benin.
Before his death he vowed to use his wealth for the orphanages. I have decided to donate this money to an individual, who will utilise it in fulfilment of the last request of my husband.
Reply now with your full names, phone number, address and occupation. I will give you more details after consideration.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Monika Derefaka

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Blog    https://goo.gl/NQxhfV   



I never learned from a man who agreed with me. Robert A. Heinlein