Monday, 22 October 2007

Mega Offline!

Yes, we have been offline for this long. Our Broadband was cancelled and we are now trying out a service for extra long lines. Keep your fingers crossed that it works.

Well, alot has happened. Well, no it hasn't, but I have taken my Exam. Three essays in three hours! At least it left me no time to faff, which I have a habit of doing. The journey to the exam was a bit fraught as the council decided to dig up a major roundabout. Luckily, I'd left plenty of time but I did feel myself go numb with panic as the traffic came to a standstill and we were stationary for what felt like an age (10 minutes). Anyway, the exam room looked out onto the prom and it was quite nice to calm myself by looking at the waves every now and again. I felt quite sorry for one man who kept going out to the toilet- nerves I thought at first, but then I started to wonder. He was doing a maths paper- did he have equations written where no-one would dare look!? I wonder. No results for a while so there's no point worrying if I've passed or not.
No exciting photos today, but a very moody sky that I got up to this morning.

Craft wise, my Witch is coming on, my sewing machine's been fixed and I've nearly finished an 8x6 album using my Bind-It-All. Photos to follow when they're finished.

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