Monday, 13 August 2007

Peel Offs- Now you've got a debate going Jemm!

I've just read Jemm's blog and she has tackled the sticky subject of peel offs. Love them or hate them, I bet we've all used them ;-) As Jemm says they are a god send for the quickie card (if you know what I mean).

For me peel offs are great for when you start out, but once you get a good enough stash of stamps, do you really need them? Aren't they just a (not as good) substitute for an embossed stamped image?

Anyway, here's a card I've made with peel offs, just to show I don't absolutely hate them lol. The peel offs are the Love Spoons and Celtic corners which I've stuck on acetate and cut out then used silicone glue to attatch to the card slightly raised. Admittedly this was easier to do than stamping and embossing on acetate.

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