Teacher training today for both children, so it was the ideal time to go off and get new Winter coats for them. They have grown so much since the Summer, and it won't be long 'till I'm the shortest member of the family!
Bobs hates shopping and was completely miffed when he realised that we were going to be buying more than PS2 games. He quickly got what he wanted with only half a glance at what he was buying (must be a male thing), Fifi however couldn't find anything. We trolled from one shop to the next, but nothing was quite right (must be a female thing). Anyway, to cut a very long and boring story short, frustration got the better of both of the little darlings and after much sniping at each other an all out fight broke out in Asda. There was shoving and tears and a lot of 'she said, he said'. So, there was only one thing for it- they got the look!!! I'm sure this 'look' is innate in our family, because all female members above a certain age can do it. No words needed, the 'look' says it all lol. We finished our shopping trip in relative peace Fifi even found some clothes, but the nightmare wasn't over- we got stuck in traffic and it took us two hours to get home.
Christmas shopping is all being done online this year :o)
The picture is of Bobs contemplating the TARDIS in the Dr. Who Exhibition in Cardiff. Totally unrelated to my shopping trip, but we're having Dr. Who withdrawel symptoms in our house at the moment.
We're also suffering from some Dr. Who withdrawal. We try to deal with it by watching Torchwood, but it's just not the same. :)
I just wanted to say that your shopping story made me laugh out loud! I too have a 'look' for my children which has pretty much the same effect as yours did.
Thank you for making me smile!
Love the Doctor Who pic!!
I need new eps as well! Although enjoying repeats on BBC3!
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