Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Spoke Too Soon

Poor Bobs is still not well. He's been sick twice today so we have just been to the doctors. There's no stomach tenderness, headaches, disturbed vision or neck stiffness so some of my meningitis/appendicitis fears are allayed somewhat. I know I shouldn't be so paranoid, but after working on a children's ward, it's hard not to. Meningitis was rife in my first year as a trained nurse and some of the cases were heartbreaking. I suppose it's only natural for those cases to come back to me in their full horror in circumstances like this, but it makes for very sleepness nights.

Luckily, my wool came today so I can do some knitting to take my mind off worrying for a bit. Here is Wilhelmina in her unmade state. I will have to revise sometime, so she may take a while in the making. As long as she's ready for her Debut at Halloween.

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