Thursday, 20 September 2007

My Other Obsession

I've been making cards for a few years, have been scrapbooking for nearly one, but my long term obsession is knitting. My Mam and Nana used to be mad knitters and I suppose it just rubbed off. Ever since I knitted my first dishcloth at school, I've been hooked.

Knitting isn't just about the end product, as with so much else it's the whole process that makes it so satisfying. It starts with the shopping- of course. Going to a yarn shop is the best. Being able to squish all the different yarns and seeing the colours in real life, but with not so many yarn shops round here, I have to make do with online shopping. But, it's not just yarn. There's needles made from plastic, metal, birch, bamboo, ebony, glass and numerous others. there's stitch markers, stitch counters, row counters, yarn cutters... the list is endless. Obviously, you need a bag to put all this stash in, so there's a variety of those too. In fact just the shopping for knitting stash could be a full time job!

So that is what I've been doing today, shopping for new knitting stash. Not so easy online, especially if you need a selection of colours, like I did. Eventually though, I found all the neccessary stash for my next project.

So, what am I making? A nice warm jumper for the winter months? A few cushion covers to go in my new living room? Hat and gloves, again, to keep me warm? No, of course not. That would be far too sensible! I'm knitting a witch for Halloween. Well, it keeps me out of mischeif ;-)


Anonymous said...

trust you xx

Stig said...

He he he, Revising- what revising!